Finished Yarn Info: Great Green Gradient
Fiber Content: 50% Undyed Merino, 50% Peruvian Highland Wool
Style: Felted Single
Quantity: Approx 4 oz / 1000 yards
I don’t have a blending board, so before I begin spinning, I make all of my puni-style rolags on my hand carders. I used 5 grams of fiber for each rolag, blending from pure white to green. The white fiber is from Paradise Fibers, and the green is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Dill Heather. I use a gram scale to weigh out my fiber.

I started with two 5g rolags of pure white. Then I added 0.5 of green and removed 0.5 of white every two rolags, finishing with four pure green rolags. This is so I would have extra pure green in case I decided to knit a shawl, or wanted to do a contrasting cast on or bind off against the white.

I could not stop taking pictures of this yarn as I worked on it. The transition in the first half felt really slow, but checking my pictures helped me see that it was actually turning green as I spun.

At this point I decided not to ply the yarn and instead keep it as a felted single. I wrapped the yarn around my kitchen chairs spaced 4 meters apart, joining when I reached the end of the first bobbin.

Now I just need to decide what to do with it! Alice by Hiroku Fukatsu is a strong contender, because there are so many beautiful projects on Ravelry showcasing yarns with color transitions. The feel of the yarn is interesting with the transition from Merino to the Peruvian Highland Wool, but I think overall this project is a success.
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